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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Zero and One

    We all know in Mathematics is many numbers. There are many operations between numbers and the others. Two numbers are special in Mathematics. The first is Zero (0) and the second is One (1). Zero and One are unique numbers in operation plus and cross. This numbers developed to make some digital electrics. Zero and One always called biner numbers. We can get to know existence of God.


    Zero and One are identity numbers in Mathematics. Zero is identity number for plus operation. All of numbers if plus with Zero, the result always that number self. for example:
              1 + 0 = 1   ; 5 + 0 = 5 ; etc
              0 + 1 = 1   ; 0 + 5 = 5 ; etc
Then, One is identity for cross operation. There are many numbers, if cross with One number, the result always that numbers self. for example:
              1 x 5 = 5   ; 1 x 9 = 9 ; etc
              5 x 1 = 5   ; 9 x 1 = 9 ; etc
Zero and One are unique number in Mathematics.

    From Zero and One, technology in the world can grow up. Zero and One are biner number. All of digital electrics, actually just contain from Zero and One. In War World I and War World II, America and Rusia make communication with morse code. Morse code contains Zero and One. In the globalization era, biner number always used in digital electric for example note book, handphone, ang camera digital.We can look alphabets in note book and saving word in file. Actually all of file in note book, handphone, and camera digital are biner numbers. 

    The last from biner numbers are we can know existence of God. if we distribution One with Zero, the result is unlimited. Zero is similar with unexist and One is give symbol exist. for example:
               1 / 0 = ~
Moeslem always said "Lailahaillalah". it mean that nothing God (0) except Allah (1).

    Zero and One are unique number in Mathematics. We can call Zero and One with biner numbers.

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