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Jumat, 12 April 2013

5 Routes to Success

Success is a big dream from everyone in the world.  Here are five routes on the success map, to help you on your journey in business and in life.  Your coach's job is to help navigate and work with you to:

Know what you want. 
For some of you this may sound basic. You might say "I want money" or "I want success." However, the key here is to be very specific about what you want. For example, "I want a 20% increase in net profit" vs. "I want higher profits."
     Have a clear purpose. 
     Know the reason for which something is being done.
     Understand and use intent. 
     Intent is one of the most underrated aspects of success. Your actions have to be packed with intent is your mind concentrated, firmly resolved on a purpose? Out of intent is born will. It's a process of exercising the mind with conscious intention towards initiating a chosen action, set your goal, see it complete, and go!

Establish commitment.
This is the action of binding yourself to a course of action. Dedication is part of this. You may not know what to do but if you are committed to being successful, you'll find out how!

Clearly articulate how your service, product, or experience will benefit you, others, the world. I call this "knowing your story." Until you really know your story, it is difficult to enroll others. It doesn't matter what you are presenting: financial services, healthcare, cars, or software. You need to convincingly express the value of what you do. It doesn't matter what area of life you choose. Business, family, community, social. 

If you want to reach the destination of success, this map will help take you there. If you want make your map success, you can answer and follow this question :

v  Do you know specifically what you want?
v  Is there a purpose or reason for doing it?
v  Is there clear intention of action?
v  Are you truly committed?
v  Have you clearly articulated the benefits to yourself and others?

Senin, 24 September 2012

Kisah Seorang Pendoa

Ketika kumohon pada Allah kekuatan
Allah memberiku kesulitan agar aku kuat

Ketika kumohon pada Allah kebijaksanaan
Allah memberiku masalah untuk kupecahkan

Ketika kumohon pada Allah kesejahteraan
Allah memberiku akal untuk berpikir

Ketika kumohon pada Allah keberanian
Allah memberiku kondisi bahaya untuk kuatasi

Ketika kumohon pada Allah sebuah cinta
Allah memberiku orang-orang bermasalah untuk ku tolong

Ketika kumohon pada Allah bantuan
Allah memberiku kesempatan

aku tak pernah menerima apa yang aku pinta
tapi aku menerima segala yang aku butuhkan
do'aku terjawab sudah